The Podiatry Team provide diagnosis and treatment of feet and lower limb problems for patients registered in Guildford and Waverley.
The team is made up of clinical foot specialists who provide personalised care for patients covering a range of foot conditions, with the aim being to improve quality of life and reduce long term effects of foot complications.
The service offers preventative care for people with long term foot conditions connected to feet e.g. diabetes.
The service also covers foot wound care, nail surgery and musculoskeletal disorders.
This is a service for children and adults with a foot problem or concern. All referrals will be triaged and assessed.The treatment provided will be subject to medical and clinical need, determined at initial assessment.
Your GP or other health professional can refer you.
You can also self-refer using the downloadable application form here: Podiatry referral form.
This can be emailed or sent back to the Jarvis office (please see contact us).
Following a referral into the service a podiatrist will review your referral and prioritise your foot need based on our medical criteria.
You may receive a telephone call offering you an appointment or you will receive a letter acknowledging receipt of your referral.
This will inform you that you are on the waiting list for an appointment.
You will then receive another letter offering you an appointment when we have one available for you.
Please let us know by phone or email if you cannot make the appointment offered and we will offer you an alternative.
Telephone: 01483 956660
Email address: rsch.gw.podiatry@nhs.net
Address: Jarvis Centre, 60 Stoughton Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 1LJ
We very much value your feedback and all our podiatrists will ask you to fill in The Friends and Family Survey which is a short questionnaire.
This helps us to learn from your feedback and make service improvements.
You will see on our notice boards what changes we have made as a result of your feedback.