The Musculoskeletal (MSK) physiotherapy community service is a GP direct access or consultant referred service, operating out of Haslemere community hospital and Cranleigh village hospital.
The purpose of the service is to provide assessment, diagnosis, treatment and self management advice for adults and children with musculoskeletal conditions.
A women’s health service is also provided for pregnancy and incontinence related musculoskeletal conditions.
The service provides a range of evidence based treatments provided on a 1:1 basis.
Your GP or another health professional will refer you.
You may be offered a physiotherapy telephone advice appointment by your GP or the physiotherapy service after the triage of your condition.
Following a referral into the service a therapist will review your case and prioritise your clinical need based on our medical criteria.
You may receive a telephone call offering you an appointment or you will receive a letter acknowledging receipt of your referral, which will inform you that you are on the waiting list for an appointment.
You will then receive another letter offering you an appointment when we have one available for you.
You will be sent a short questionnaire which we would ask you to complete prior to attending and give it to your therapist.
Please let us know by telephone or email us on rsch.gw.msk@nhs.net if you cannot make the appointment offered and we will offer you an alternative.
When you arrive in the clinic you will be asked to wait in the waiting room.
The therapist will call you in to the clinic and will you ask you some general health questions.
Please bring a list of any medications you currently take. You may be asked to sit or lie on our treatment couch depending on your condition.
Following your assessment if you require a follow up appointment this will be organised by the receptionist.
If you do not require a follow up the therapist will give you appropriate advice on managing your condition.
We very much value your feedback and all our musculoskeletal physiotherapists will ask you to fill in The Friends and Family Survey which is a short questionnaire.
This helps us to learn from your feedback and make service improvements.
You will see on our notice boards what changes we have made as a result of your feedback.