Day Surgery Unit

The Day Surgery Unit (DSU) is a ward where people rest and recover following same-day surgery. It is located at the rear of the hospital (behind the Nuffield) and accessible via the Egerton Road entrance.
Phone: 01483 406783
Use this link to find out more about surgery at Royal Surrey.
Outpatients 12

The Level B entrance to Royal Surrey Cancer Centre is also known as Outpatients 12. Many of our cancer related outpatient appointments will take place here.
Phone: 01483 571 122 ext 6761
Fountain Centre

The Fountain Centre is an independent charity based in the hospital. They look after the wellbeing of anyone affected by cancer, from diagnosis, through treatment and beyond.
Phone: 01483 406618
Use this link to find out more about how the Fountain Centre can help you.
OPD 1 Antenatal and Gynaecology

Antenatal and Gynaecology Clinics.
Cancer patients may be invited to see the fertility specialists in the Gynaecology Clinic. It is also possible that some diagnostic procedures will take place here.
Phone: 01483 571122 ext 4173.
OPD 10 Eye Clinic

Eye Clinic
Phone: 01483 571 122 ext 2567
OPD 11 Maxillofacial and orthodontics

Maxillofacial and orthodontics is based here. Some head and neck and skin cancer appointments may take place here.
Phone: 01483 406775 ext 4449
OPD 14 Cedar Centre

All diabetes and endocrinology services are provided in the Cedar Centre.
Phone: 01483 571122 ext 2421
OPD 2 Orthopaedics and Fracture Clinic

Orthopaedics and Fracture Clinic.
Phone: 01483 571122 ext 4159
OPD 3 General Surgery

Many general surgery outpatient appointments are held here.
Some Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary (HPB) patients who are being considered for surgery may have their appointments here.
Phone: 01483 571122 ext 4550
OPD 4 and 5 Outpatients Clinics

Many outpatient clinics are held here including the likes of pain, respiratory, rheumatology, sleep, cardiology and general surgery.
Please read your appointment letter closely to ensure you attend the correct department.
Phone: 01483 571122 ext 3928/4581
The Haste Wing which is situated at the rear of Outpatients 4 and 5 is a diagnostic wing and houses our two state-of-the-art MRI scanners. Read more about MRI scans
Phone: 01483 571122 ext 4935
It is also home to four cutting edge echocardiography machines, which are used to scan patients hearts and nearby blood vessels. Read more about our cardiology team.
opd 6 childrens unit

This is our Paediatric Outpatients department. A number of clinics are held here for children, including diabetes, allergy, epilepsy, mental health and much more.
Phone: 01483 571122 ext 6944
OPD 7 Audiology


The ear, nose and throat team are based here.
Head and neck cancer patients will usually have their first appointments here.
Phone: 01483 464002 / 01483 571122 ext 3203
Drive-by Pharmacy

The Drive-by Pharmacy is open Monday to Friday 9am to 5.45pm.
Patients wishing to access this service need to tell their doctor when they are completing their prescription.
Free parking is available outside of the cabin.
Phone: 01483 464126
Find out more about the Drive-by Pharmacy by visiting the Pharmacy pages on our website.
Main Pharmacy

The Outpatient Pharmacy dispense Royal Surrey prescriptions only. They also provide a small range of over-the-counter medication for purchase.
The pharmacy is open Monday to Friday 9am to 5.45pm.
Phone: 01483 571122 ext. 2853 / 2083
Please remember, specialist cancer medication is only available from the dedicated Pharmacy in the Cancer Centre.
clinical measurement

Clinical Measurements
Clinical Measurements provides various tests for investigating the heart.
Radiotherapy can affect how electrical devices placed under the skin, such as pacemakers and implantable cardioverter defibrillators, work. Radiotherapy patients who require additional monitoring to check their device health or adjust settings will need to visit Clinical Measurements. This will be arranged for you.
Phone : 01483 571122 Ext 4686
Neurophysiology investigates the function of the central and peripheral nervous system to diagnose and manage a range of neurological and non-neurological disorders.
spiritual care

The Chapel/Multi Faith room is managed by our Spiritual Care Team and is a dedicated space for private prayer, meditation, contemplation and thought.
Phone: 01483 406 835
Use this link to find out more about our Spiritual Care Team.
OPD 13 Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy

The Physiotherapy team help to restore movement and function when someone is affected by injury, illness or disability.
Phone: 01483464153
Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy aims to improve your ability to do everyday tasks if you're having difficulties.
Phone: 01483 571122 ext 4766
Cancer patients may also be invited to work with the PRIME team to prepare for your cancer treatment. These appointments will take place here. Use this link to find out more about PRIME.
Prayer Ablution Room
Staff and visitors can wash-up prior to prayer and worship.
Marks and Spencer

- Monday 6am to 12am
- Tuesday to Saturday open 24 hours a day
- Sunday closes at 8pm

- Monday to Friday 6:30am to 8pm
- Saturday to Sunday 7:30am to 7pm
We have a large team of volunteers supporting us in many areas within the hospital, who support the work carried out by our professional staff.
Use this link to find out more about volunteering with us.
Phone: 01483 464 847.
Parking office

The parking office is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Phone: 01483 408307.
All patients attending the Cancer Centre are eligible for free car parking on site. A three month permit can be issued from the Cancer Centre’s main reception (Level B).
Main Reception

The main reception is manned Monday to Friday 7am to 8pm
Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit

The Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit is a referral only service for women who experience problems or complications early in pregnancy.
Phone: 0300 123 5473
A range of services are provided in the imaging department. These include: CT scanning, ultrasound, fluoroscopy, mammography, MRI and plain X-rays.
Phone: 01483 402746
Use this link to find out more about our radiology services.
Emergency Department

The Emergency Department is for patients requiring emergency care for serious and life threatening conditions. It is very busy and patients will be seen in order of clinical priority. Therefore if your needs are less urgent, you may face a very long wait. If you have a life-threatening illness or injury then you should dial 999. If your condition is not life-threatening then please contact NHS 111 before coming to the Emergency Department. They can help you right away and if you need urgent care then NHS 111 can book you in to come to the Emergency Department to seen quickly and safely. You can read more about the Emergency Department and other alternatives on our main website.
Remember, the Oncology Treatment Hotline is a 24-hour advice line for patients’ who are currently receiving, or have recently undergone cancer treatment. Call 01483 571122 and ask the operator for the Oncology Treatment Hotline.
Clinical Laboratory

Patients may be asked by their doctor or nurse to drop off samples in a sterile container here, including stool and urine.
Intensive Care Unit

Intensive care is needed if someone is seriously ill and requires intensive treatment and close monitoring.
Patients may also be taken to intensive care after having cancer surgery if it will help them to recover.
Phone: 01483 571122 ext 4222.
Read more about the Intensive Care Unit on our main website.
patient advice and liaison service
The Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) is a free, confidential and impartial service available to everyone who uses the Trust’s services, their families, carers or anyone who needs advice, information, support or guidance with a particular issue.
Phone: 01483 402757
Read more about PALS and how they can help you on our main website.
Emergency Assessment Unit
The Emergency Assessment Unit (EAU) is a short stay assessment and admissions facility specifically for patients requiring specialist medical, surgical, frailty or mental health assessment.
Read more
Phone: 01483 571122 ext 2127
same day care

The Same Day Emergency Care service provides urgent treatment for patients not requiring admission to hospital.
Cancer patients can access the service by calling 01483 571122 and asking the operator for the Oncology Treatment Hotline.
Elective Surgery Unit

This unit is for pre-operative patients on the day of surgery who will need to go to the main hospital. The Elective Care Unit is attached to the Short Stay Surgical Unit (SSU).
Phone: 01483 406871
guildford borough council ward

Guildford Ward is our isolation ward.
Phone: 01483 571122 ext 3477

The department of Urology is housed in the state-of-the-art Stokes Centre for Urology. If you have suspected or confirmed bladder and prostate cancer will be seen here.
Phone: 01483 571122 ext. 3100
Cancer and Surgical Innovation Centre

Work has started on this state-of-the-art surgical facility which will include six new operating theatres. The centre is expected to be completed in 2025. Read more about the centre.
Main entrance

Visiting times: Between 2pm-4pm and 6pm-8pm
Main switchboard: 01483 571122
You can find out more about Royal Surrey County Hospital by visiting the Trust's main website.
Education Centre

We have a purpose built Education Centre on-site, which houses a library as well as a state-of-the-art simulation suite.
Surgical Short Stay Unit

This is a surgical unit where patients can be discharged on the same day or stay up to 23 hours post their operation.
Phone: 01483 406828/ 01483 571122 ext 6828/2085

Radiotherapy is based here. Radiotherapy is a treatment where radiation is used to kill cancer cells.
The radiotherapy entrance to the Cancer Centre is at the rear of the site can be accessed via Egerton Road.
Read more about this treatement on the dedicated radiotherapy pages.
Phone: 01483 406600
Nuclear Medicine

Nuclear Medicine involves introducing a small dose of a radioactive substance into a patient’s body before conducting a scan using a specialist camera.
Phone: 01483 406701
Use this link to find out more about Nuclear Medicine.
OPD 16 Florence Desmond

A number of outpatient clinics are run out of here, including: Immunology and allergy.
Patient Lounge

The Patient Lounge is a comfortable area with both beds and chairs for patients who are medically fit to leave hospital. You may be transferred to the lounge from your ward while you wait for final discharge arrangements to be complete.
Phone: 01483 571122 ext 3066 or 3144
Medical Day Unit

The Medical Day Unit provides a range of nurse-led day treatments and procedures for patients under the care of a consultant. Cancer patients may be sent here for a blood transfusion.
Phone: 01483 571122 ext 2424
Clinical Investigations

The Clinical Investigations Unit provides a number of different diagnostic tests. This nurse-led unit is for day patients, meaning you will not be staying overnight.
Medical Illustration

The department provides both clinical and non-clinical photography to the hospital.
Phone: 01483 406765
OPD 15 Pre Assessment

Ahead of any surgical procedure you will have a pre-op assessment. This helps to ensure that you are fit and ready for surgery. The assessment may be done over the telephone or you may be asked to attend a clinic, which is held in Outpatients 15.
Phone: 01483 571122 ext 4628
Wellspring Restaurant

Open: Monday to Friday 7am to 5pm.
Information hub
The Fountain Centre Information Hub is coming soon.
cancer centre entrance

The Level B entrance to Royal Surrey Cancer Centre is also known as Outpatients 12. Many of our cancer related outpatient appointments will take place here.
Phone: 01483 571 122 ext 6761
Use this link to find out more information about outpatients appointments in our Cancer Centre.

The Coffee House is open Monday to Friday 7am to 4pm and serves a selection of hot and cold drinks, sandwiches, toasties, jacket potatoes and much more.
Cancer Centre Reception

The Cancer Centre Level B reception is open Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm.
Cancer Centre phlebotomy

Blood tests are available in the Cancer Centre Monday to Friday 8am to 4pm.
Use this link to find out more and book an appointment.
Phone: 01483 402713
Cancer Centre Pharmacy

This is a specialist Pharmacy that serves only our cancer patients and the team will provide you with the medication that has been prescribed by your doctor.
Learn more about the Cancer Centre Pharmacy and how they can help you.
It is open: Monday to Friday 9am to 5.45pm
Phone: 01483 464126, or 01483 571122 ext 6789
CT Evo

You may be sent for a diagnostic scan here. Please read your appointment letter carefully to ensure you are in the correct location.
Phone: 01483 402746

This is one of our diagnostic CT scanners.
Please pay close attention to your appointment letter as your CT scan may be booked in the Radiology Department on Level B.

This CT scanner is used to plan your radiotherapy treatment.
Phone: 01483 406600
More information about radiotherapy treatment can be found here.

Brachytherapy is a form of internal radiotherapy where a dose of radiation treats your cancer from inside your tumour or very close to it. Most brachytherapy takes place here, although some does take place in the Stokes Centre for Urology. Please read your appointment letter carefully.
Phone: 01483 571122 ext 6615
Use this link to find out more about brachytherapy treatment.
outdoor seating
Coming soon.
indoor seating

Our waiting area is available for all patients and their loved ones to use. There is plenty of comfortable seating available for you to relax in before your appointment. The waiting room can be found on Level B of the Cancer Centre and is close to the main reception.
St Lukes suite
Coming soon.
Teenage and Young Adult Cancer Unit

If you are a young person aged between 16 and 30 years and living with cancer you can request to be looked after by our Teenage and Young Adult Cancer (TYAC) team.
Phone: 01483 571122 ext 2596
tea and coffee station waiting area

There are free tea and coffee making facilities on Chilworth Day Unit.
Chilworth Day Unit

Chilworth Day Unit is our Chemotherapy Day Unit.
It is open Monday to Friday 8.30am to 6pm.
Phone: 01483 571122 ext: 6842
Use this link to find out more about chemotherapy treatment.
Hascombe ward

Hascombe Ward is the paediatric ward. The Paediatric Oncology Shared Care Unit (POSCU) is based here.
Monday-Friday 8am-4pm: 07500793217
Out of hours Hascombe Ward: 01483 464071
Use this link to find out more about our Paediatric Oncology Shared Care Unit.
Onslow reception

Onslow Ward specialises in the care of patients who are undergoing investigations and treatment for various forms of cancer and haematology conditions.
Phone: 01483 571122 ext 6858
The Endoscopy Department provides a full range of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.
Phone 01483 571122 ext. 4409
Castle Outpatients
Castle Outpatients is home to the One Stop Breast Clinic. Some breast patients may also receive their ultrasounds here.
If you are a skin cancer patient being considered for surgery you may also have appointments here.
Phone: 01438 571122 ext 2205
cancer centre

The Level B entrance to Royal Surrey Cancer Centre is also known as Outpatients 12. Many of our cancer related outpatient appointments will take place here.
Phone: 01483 571122 ext 6761
Acute Medical Unit
The Acute Medical Unit (AMU) provides emergency treatment for patients likely to require a short stay in hospital.
Radiotherapy Reception

The reception is open 8am to 5.30pm
Mould Room
Content coming soon