All the Diabetes and Endocrinology services are provided by the dedicated team at the Cedar Centre.
We offer the full range of diabetes clinics and are able to analyse tests immediately on site. Patients can see a specialist nurse, podiatrist, dietician, clinical psychologist, diabetes dietician or a doctor as needed.
We offer a comprehensive insulin pump service, including pumps in pregnancy.
Endocrinology is a branch of medicine dealing with hormone problems. There are general endocrinology clinics covering a range of hormone problems, as well as specialist clinics for pituitary disorders. We offer the only adult growth hormone replacement service in Surrey. There is also a one-stop thyroid clinic (with our thyroid surgeon, a radiologist and a cytologist).
Reception (Not staffed full time. Please leave a message)
Telephone: 01483 571122 ext 2421
Fax: 01483 402777
The Medical Secretaries
Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm.
Telephone: 01483 571122
Extension: 4844/2414
Community Diabetes Nurse Specialists
Telephone: 01483 571122 or 01483 464049
Extension: 6959
Hospital / inpatient DSN
Telephone: 01483 571122
Extension: 2413
Endocrine Nurse
Telephone: 01483 571122
Extension: 6389
General Practices in Guildford and Waverley and the Cedar (Centre for Endocrinology Diabetes and Research) Centre team at the Royal Surrey are now sharing your patient records. This means that when you are seen at the Cedar Centre the staff will be able to read your entire GP care record. When you then go to see your GP they will be able to read what happened during your consultations at the Cedar Centre. Communication between the Cedar Centre team and your Primary Care team will be almost instant – no more having to wait for letters to arrive at the surgery. It will enable GPs and Cedar clinicians to quickly and efficiently see what treatments you have been on and what has been happening with your care at the hospital and in primary care. This is very innovative and will improve your care and management.
Your information is secure and subject to strict NHS confidentiality regulations and audits. Your records can only be accessed by authorised healthcare professionals directly caring for you. If you do not want your GP records to be shared you should discuss your concerns with your GP. They will be able to explain this new way of working and hopefully re-assure you of the benefits; or you can opt out if you wish.