Assessment and support for children who attend the Royal Surrey hospital with mental health difficulties in crisis. Liaison with outside services to provide on-going care for these children in the community.
Children and Young People (CYP) with mental health and Learning Disability (LD) behavioural issues, including those linked to learning disabilities, are presenting in greater numbers at local Emergency Departments and also being admitted to Paediatric Wards. This is causing significant difficulties with the lack of expertise and knowledge within the Acute hospitals on how best to support these children and young people, often resulting in increased anxiety being experienced by the children and young people and their families and longer lengths of stay being needed. The service is not a substitute for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) community services and only see’s young people presenting in crisis who are a danger to themselves or others due to an on-going psychiatric difficulty.
The service is not a substitute for CAMHS community services and see’s young people presenting in crisis who are a danger to themselves or others due to an on-going psychiatric difficulty.