Infections can be spread by anyone, so we all need to careful. There a simple things we can all do to stop germs spreading.
Washing and cleaning your hands thoroughly and regularly is the best way to stop infections in their tracks:
Alcohol-based hand rubs are very effective at killing germs but they are not a cure for all and is not effective against Norovirus (diarrhoea and vomiting) infection. Please try to wash your hands regularly using soap and water.
For information on managing the spread of specific infections, please see our specific infection control patient information leaflets.
To help stop the spread at Royal Surrey, we focus on:
Effective infection prevention and control helps us to provide a high-quality health service by:
Focusing on hand hygiene, including visual prompts and hand hygiene facilities positioned at entrances to the hospital and ward areas
Focusing on high standards of cleanliness - our matrons oversee the cleaning of clinical areas, and regular audits are carried out to make sure high standards are being maintained
Care for patients with high risk infections e.g. TB, chicken pox, flu, COVID etc. in single rooms
All our colleagues wear facemasks in clinical areas,
The Infection Prevention and Control Team provides day-to-day advice for patients and staff. They ensure a co-ordinated approach to infection control. There is an annual programme of work, in line with the Health and Social Care Act (2008) code of practice on the prevention and control of infections and related guidance. The team reports regularly to the Trust Board.