Our specialist infant feeding midwife has created a series of useful videos to support you to ensure your feeding journey is built on good foundations, using evidence based resources.
Alongside these videos there are QR codes displayed in the maternity unit and continuity hubs for you to access. These link to Unicef resources focusing on hand expressing, antenatal colostrum collection and breastfeeding after gestational diabetes.
If you have any concerns or questions regarding infant feeding, please email our dedicated feeding team for further support rsch.infantfeeding@nhs.net. Please note this is not a 24 hour service.
During your feeding journey your nipples can become a little bit damaged and sore. This video highlights useful tips to help care for your nipples and techniques to reduce the risk of nipple damage.
This video talks about effective positioning and attachment at the breast. During this video our specialist infant feeding midwife will demonstrate different breastfeeding positions and will talk about how to recognise if your baby is well attached to the breast.
There are many reasons why you may be advised to hand express during the postnatal period. This video demonstrates the correct technique recommended for hand expressing.