Attending our Emergency Department

Our Emergency Department is currently very busy. Please note that patients will be seen in order of clinical priority, therefore if your needs are less urgent, you may face a very long wait.

If you have a life-threatening illness or injury then you should dial 999.

If your condition is not life-threatening then please contact NHS 111 before coming to the Emergency Department. They can help you right away and if you need urgent care then NHS 111 can book you in to come to the Emergency Department to seen quickly and safely.

Do you have a minor injury?

Royal Surrey runs a Minor Injuries Unit in Haslemere for adults and children over two years of age. It is led by our team of skilled Nurse Practitioners who can assess, diagnose and treat patients with minor injuries.

They can treat wounds, minor burns, suspected broken bones, minor eye injuries, minor head injuries, bites and stings. Find out more about what injuries we can treat on our Haslemere Hospital webpage.

The unit often has shorter waiting times than our Emergency Department and there is no need to make an appointment, although you can call 111 for advice and a time slot to attend.

It is open from 8am-5pm Monday-Friday. The address is Haslemere Minor Injuries Unit, Church Lane, Haslemere GU27 2BJ.

What will happen when you arrive at our Emergency Department without being referred through 111?

Patients, aged 18 years and above, who arrive at ED without being referred by NHS 111 or a GP will be asked to answer a series of questions as part of our new e-triage service.

The answers given will be recorded in the system for when you see one of our streaming nurses for an initial assessment.

If appropriate, our streaming nurses may be able to book you an appointment with an alternative service, such as a GP or redirect you to the Minor Injuries Unit, Dentist, local pharmacy to be seen.