The Rheumatology Department diagnoses and treats patients with joint, bone and muscle conditions:
Most rheumatology referrals are seen at Royal Surrey in Outpatients 4. Referrals may be seen in Haslemere Community Hospital, Cranleigh Village Community Hospital and Badgerswood Surgery in Bordon. You may be invited at a later date to have investigations (such as MRIs, US, DEXA) before a diagnosis will be made.
Once diagnosed, you and your GP will receive a clinic letter. Your GP will be able to discuss your diagnosis with you and plan your treatment.
We accept referrals from patients with:
We do not accept referrals for:
We only accept referrals from GPs or other hospital doctors. All referrals are triaged by a consultant according to clinical urgency.
If your referral has been rejected, the admin team and secretaries will not reinstate it for you.
Please contact the Appointment Centre on 01483 464002 or email rsc-tr.OPDApptCentre@nhs.net if you need to change the date of your appointment, or have not heard about an expected appointment.
Patients already in our care wishing to contact our consultants' secretaries should email rsch.rheummedsec@nhs.net. Emails from those unknown to the department will not receive a response.
Requests for high-cost drugs should email rsc-tr.RheumatologyDrugs@nhs.net. Who is requesting high cost drugs? Patients? GPs?
If you are an existing patient and want advice about drugs and inflammatory arthritis, please contact our Rheumatology CNS advice line telephone. You can ring them on 01483 571122 and use the extension 4673 or email rsch.rheumatologynurse@nhs.net. Please do not contact the CNS team with issues other than inflammatory arthritis. They do not manage appointments and do not provide an emergency service.
When calling our teams, please leave a message with your phone number and email. We aim to respond to appropriate enquiries within three working days.
Secretary: Julia Cox (Ex 4589)
Secretary: Dawn Weller (Ex 4759)
Secretary: Susan Bowman (Ex 2707)
Dr Mohsin Mukhtar
Secretary: Leigh Hardie (Ex 3478)
Access drug monitoring guidelines via Surrey PAD. Visit the Surrey Pad website.
Versus Arthritis is a charity that provides Information and support to those with rheumatic diseases. Visit the Versus Arthritis website.
Rheumatoid Arthritis and Juvenile idiopathic arthritis
Psoriatic Arthritis
Ankylosing spondylitis
Scleroderma and Raynaud’s
Lupus (LSE)
Polymyalgia rheumatic and Giant cell arteritis (also known as temporal arteritis)