Fluoroscopic imaging covers a wide variety of examinations during which real time images are captured for diagnostic purposes.
Most procedures use some form of contrast media which enable certain areas of the body to be highlighted; this contrast enters the body using a variety of methods for example swallowed or injected.
All patients attending the department for fluoroscopic examinations will have an appointment booked for them and an appointment letter sent to them through the post.
The appointment letter will also include a copy of the fluoroscopy information leaflet specific to the type of exam they’re having.
If a translator is needed, please contact the department with the necessary requirements prior to the appointment.
Fluoroscopy is located in radiology on Level B of the hospital. You will be required to book in at front reception, (although if your scan is after 17:00 or at the weekend, there will be signage for you to follow).
You will then be directed to the waiting area where either a volunteer will see you, or a radiographer will come out to you.
Each different examination takes a differing length of time, the information leaflet will give you an approximate time for your particular test but we are also controlled by the speed of your own body.
Although we endeavour to adhere to the appointment times, please be aware that we are sometimes taken unawares, for example a patient may have very poor mobility and may take longer than their allotted time slot or the examination may be more complicated than expected.
In addition occasionally we have to prioritise an emergency inpatient. Often if this is the case it is difficult for us to leave the examination to come and apologise to you but we do know you are waiting.
However, in the majority of cases your appointment will be on time.
Your exam will most often be performed by a radiologist with a radiographer present. As we are teaching hospital, there may be some students in attendance.
Other exams maybe carried out by different health care professionals.
If you had to stop eating or drinking prior to your examination, normal eating and drinking can be resumed as soon as it has finished.
If you had a barium drink for your test you may have to increase your fluid consumption for a couple of days to prevent constipation.
The majority of examinations should have no adverse side effects.
Your exam will be reported by a radiologist and the report will be sent back to the doctor who referred you for the scan for your next outpatient appointment.
They will not usually be sent back to your own GP.