Consultant published in pathology ‘bible’ | News

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Consultant published in pathology ‘bible’

Pick of Consultant, Silvana

Our brilliant Consultant Histopathologist, Professor Silvana Di Palma, has had her work published in the book, ‘Gnepp’s Diagnostic Surgical Pathology of the Head and Neck’ by US Pathologist Dr D. Gnepp.

Silvana was approached by the book’s editor when speaking at an international congress and asked to lead on writing a chapter– a challenge she was delighted to accept.

She said: “It is an absolute honour to be asked to contribute to this publication, which is really considered the ‘bible’ of all knowledge related to head and neck pathology.

“It took a huge amount of research, carried out in my own time in addition to my clinical commitments, but I feel a great sense of achievement.

 “I feel privileged to be the Lead Pathologist for a great team - the Regional Head and Neck Multidisciplinary Team based at Royal Surrey."

The book will be used as a reference in pathological settings throughout the UK, Europe and America.

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